* Pictures are placed for illustration purpose only. Appearance of real component may differ
Tantalum wet electrolytic capacitors are designed for application in DC and pulsed current circuits.
Basic technical characteristics:
Nominal voltage: 6.3 - 125 V
Nominal capacitance: 1.5 - 1 000uF
Capacitance tolerance (at F=50 Hz, 20 °С): ±10 %; ±20 %; ±30 %
Loss angle tangent: 5 - 35 %
Minimum service hours:
- at Unom and T= +125 °C - 1 000 h.
- at Unom and T= +85 °C - 5 000 h.
- at 0.7Unom and T= +70 °C - 30 000 h.
Operating resistance at F=10 kHz: 1.2 - 50 Om
Operating temperatures interval: -60...+125 °С
Shelflife: 25 years