Protected variable ceramic capacitor for DC, AC and impulse circuits
Climate version: boreal (in accordance with GOST V 20.39.404-81)
Technical requirement version OZh0.460.135 TU
Technical parameters
Rated voltage, V | 100 |
Temperature coefficient of capacitance group | С (MP0); U (M750) |
Rated capacitance, pF group C group U | 1/5 2/10; 3/15; 4/20 |
Loss tangent, not more than | 20 ?10-4 |
Reactive power, var group C group U | 65 10 |
Insulation resistance, not less than, M? | 10000 |
Ambient air temperature, oC | -60..+85 |
Number of rotor revolutions | 100 |
Mass, g | 0.3 |
Mounting method: soldering within 1.4-2.5 mm from case. Solderability is preserved during 12 months (without extra service operations).
Durability 20000 h (for rated voltade 100 V, 250 V), 10000 h for others
You can order KT4-25B 250V-4/20pF from us
Other products in Capacitors