The integrated circuit is a logic element with the 2AND-2AND-2NOR structure and a logic element with the 2AND-4AND-2NOR structure.
Electrical Characteristics:
Nominal supply voltage 5 V ± 10%
Low-level output voltage 0.3V
High-level output voltage 2.4 V
High-level input current (Vin=5.5 V) 120 µA
Low-level input current 180 µA
Short circuit current 3...30 mA
Leakage current 12 µA
Current consumption with the output voltage at the low-level 0.7 mA
Current consumption with the output voltage at the high-level 2.7 mA
Average power consumption 2.5 x 2 mW
Turn-on propagation delay time 100 ns
Turn-off propagation delay time 100 ns
Input capacity 3.5 pF