Microassemblies 198NT1B are produced for dielectric isolation technology.
Microassembly 198NT1B is matrix of n-p-n transistors.
Microassemblies contain 5 integral elements.
Casing type 401.14-5, maximum weight 0,8 g.
Minimum service hours of microcircuits:
- in modes and conditions according to technical conditions - 100000 h;
- in derated operations with voltage, current and power below 60 % out of limit values – 120000 h.
Minimum shelflife of microassemblies:
- heated space and space with controlled humidity and temperature or in microassemblies storage locations mounted into protected equipment, or in protected set of spare parts - 25 years;
- unheated space – 16,5 years;
- under cover or in the outdoor area, mounted in equipment (in unprotected object), or in spare parts set – 12,5 years.
The time of shelflife begins from the date marked on microcircuit.
You can order 198NT1B from us
Other products in IC’s, UNF modules, Microassemblies