KN-P push-button is used for switching electric circuits of direct and alternating current of radio electronic equipment. It is suitable for operation in all climatic regions, including areas with tropical, temperate, and cold climates. KN-P is characterized by high mechanical strength, high resistance to external factors and high reliability. The use of thermosetting and high-temperature plastics and silver-containing contact coatings provides high performance of the push-button.
KN-P Push-Button is designed for operation in AC/DC circuits for one switch.
I min - 0.05 A; I max - 1.5A
U min - 10V, U max - 50V
Operating temperature range from - 60 ° Сto + 85 ° С
Number of switching cycles - 15 000
Overall dimensions (max) Ø36х413 mm for versions "5" and "7", and Ø34х41 mm for versions "1" and "3"
Weight - 45g
Minimum shelf life - 15 years
The minimum time between failures for versions "1", "3" - 10 000 hours, for "5", "7" - 5 000 hours