Micro switches MP1-1 are designed for commutation of electric circuits of direct and alternate current, used as end switches.
Operational conditions:
- Environment temperature from -60 to +125° С.
- Relative humidity up to 98% at temperature up to +35° С.
- Atmospheric pressure from 0,6 to 104 kPa.
Technical characteristics of micro switches MP1-1:
Weight, g, maximum ............................................. 3,5
Contact resistance, Om .................... maximum 0,05
Electric strength of isolation, V .......................... 1100
Isolation resistance, MOm ................ minimum 1000
Environment high operating temperature, °С...... 125
Environment low operating temperature, °С...... - 60
High relative humidity at temperature 35°С.......... 98
Warranted service life ...................................... 5000
Commutation cycles.................... maximum100000
Warranty period, years......................................... 20