RES47 RF4.500.407-02.01 is hermetic two-step monostable relay of direct current designed for commutation of electric circuits of direct and alternate current with frequency 50-2500 Hz.
Technical conditions: RF0.450.047 TU.
Operating conditions:
Environment temperature from -60Сup to +85С.
Relative humidity up to 98% at +35С.
Atmospheric pressure from 133•10-5 up to 304 kPa
Technical characteristics of relay RES-47 RF4.500.407-02.01:
• Winding resistance, Ohm ...... 585-715;
• Seal-in current, mА...... 21;
• Drop-out current, mА...... 2,5;
• Operating voltage, V ...... 21,5-34;
• Isolation resistance between current-conducting elements, current-conducting elements and casing:
- in normal climatic conditions ...... minimum 200 MOhm;
- in conditions of high humidity...... minimum 10 MOhm;
- at maximum temperature ...... minimum 50 MOhm;
• Electric strength of isolation in normal climatic conditions:
- between current-conducting elements ...... minimum 350 V;
- between current-conducting elements and casing ...... minimum 500 V;
• Relay weight ...... 9 g.
You can order RES-47 RF4.500.407.0201 from us
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