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Switches and circuit-breakers with bladed contacts Т3 “tumbler” type are designed for commutation of electric circuits of direct and alternate current.

Design data:
Tumblers T3 type are produced with regular handles.
Tumblers T3-C are produced with luminous handles.

Technical characteristics of tumblers Т3:
Switching force – from 5 up to 16 Н(from 0,5 up to 1,6 kgs)
Electric contact resistance:
– maximum 0,05 Ohm;
– maximum 0,02 Ohm
Isolation resistance – minimum 1 000 МОм
Isolation electric strength – 1 100
Operating temperatures range – from - 60°Сup to +100°С
Shelf life of products:
– 12 years;
– 15 years

You can order T3 from us