Home  /  Products  /  Switching devices  /  TKD501DOD


Single circuit switching contactors TKD501DOD are designed for commutation of electric circuits. Contactors are contact devices with contacts circuit double break, put into operation by plunger electromagnet.

Basic technical characteristics of contactor TKD501DOD:
• Nominal voltage of commutated circuit of direct current, V ...... 27
• Commutated circuit current nominal value, A ...... 50
• Nominal voltage in contactor control circuit ...... 27
• Operate voltage, V ......9-18
• Tripping voltage, V ...... 2-6,5
• Tripping time, ms:
- switching on ...... 20
- switching off ...... 20
• Allowable rate of operations, times per minute ...... 4
• Environment temperature ...... from +85 to -60°С
• Weight, kg, maximum...... 0,29

You can order TKD501DOD from us