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Electromagnetic commutating neutral relay is designed for operation in electric systems.
Type designation:
- T – rated control winding voltage 27 V;
- K – switching relay with direct current control circuit power supply;
- E – nominal current value of contact elements for main circuit:
- N – nought point;
- E - ones;
- D - tens;
- 2 – specifies the number of above mentioned units;
- 4P – specifies the number of changeover contacts;
- 1 – maximum ambient temperature - 100°С;
- G – hermetic package;
- B – additional relay design features and modifications.

Basic Technical Characteristics:
• DC voltage range in the contact circuit, V ...... 5-30
• AC voltage range in the contact circuit, V ...... 12-220
• Current range in the contact circuit, A ...... 0,001-2
• Voltage range in DC control circuit, V ...... 24-30
• Number of switched circuits, pcs ...... 2
• Design...... hermetic
• Weight, kg ...... 0,05

You can order TKE22P1GB from us