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Single-circuit contact switches including TKS101ODL are designed for circuit switching in electrical systems of engineering objects of all-climatic appliance.

Contact switches are contact devices with double gap which are brought into action by plunger electromagnet.

Basic technical characteristics of TKS101ODL contactor:
• Nominal voltage of switched circuit of direct current, V ...... 27
• Rated current value of switched circuit, А........................... 100
• Nominal voltage in the contactor control circuit .................. 27

· Electromagnet consumption current, A, maximum …… 0.35

· Auxiliary connexion circuit current, A ….....................… 0.2-5
• Operating type, msec:
- at startup ............................................................................. 15
- at shut down.................................................................. ...... 25
• Allowable rate of operations, times per minute ..................... 4
• Surrounding air temperature .................. from +85 up to -60°С
• Weight, kg, maximum ....................................................... 0.47

You can order TKS101ODL from us