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Miniature impulse transformers of the TIM type with pulse frequency range from 0.3 to 100 kHz and amplitude up to 20 V are designed for operation in functional blocks and nodes of radio-electronic, electronic, and quasi-electronic switching apparatuses. These transformers are used in impulse devices of household equipment of modular design with digital signal modulation systems.

The transformers operate in impulse mode with pulse durations ranging from 0.02 to 100 ms and magnetizing current up to 20 mA. The front and tail rise times of the pulse on secondary windings at various transformation coefficients amount to 0.04 - 2 µs.

The industry manufactures 257 part subtypes of the transformers of one type with toroidal magnetic conductors of the type K.

Depending on the duration of the signal transformed impulse, miniature transformers are divided into 12 groups, each containing transformers with a specific number of windings and different transformation coefficients.

You can order TIM-163V from us