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The GU-91B tetrode is used for power amplification in traveling-wave and SSB amplifiers, and as a power amplifier in RF equipment.

General description

Cathode: indirectly heated, oxide-coated.

Envelope: metal ceramic.

Cooling: forced air.

Height: max. 95 mm.

Diameter: max. 72 mm.

Weight: max. 600 g.

Electrical Parameters

Heater voltage (AC or DC), V................................................................. 12.6

Heater current, A................................................................. 4.1-4.7

Anode voltage, V.................................................................................... 1600

Grid 2 voltage, V........................................................................................ 350

Negative bias voltage, absolute value (at Ia=1000 mA, Ua=1,600 V, Ug2=350 V), V. .....20-55

Negative cutoff voltage, absolute value (at Ua=2kV, Ug2=350 V, Ia=20 mA), V, (max.) ...130

Grid 2 current (at Ia=1000mA, Ua=1.6kV, Ug2=350 V), mA............................ -25...+10

Anode current at zero grid 1 voltage. A, at least ... 2.7

Mutual conductance (at Ia=1000mA, Ua=1.6kV, Ug2=350 V), mA/V................ 30-65

Relative level of combination components of third

and fifth orders (at Ua=2kV, Ug2=350 V, bias voltage corresponding to quiescent

anode current 500 mA, drive voltage equal to bias

voltage at frequencies 0.1-1 MHz), dB, at most . . . -32...-35

Output power under conditions of class В(at Ua=1.8kV, Ug2=350 V, bias voltage

corresponding to quiescent anode current 200 mA,

anode current DC component 200 mA at 250 ±25 MHz), W, at least..... 700

Interelectrode capacitance, pF:

input, max.................................................................. 86

output, max. .............................................................. 15

transfer, max............................................................................. 0.15

Limit Operating Values

Heater voltage (AC or DC), V............................................ 12.0-13.2

Anode voltage, V:

DC................................................................................... 2000

peak value ....................................................................... 3750

Grid 2 voltage, V.................................................................. 350

Negative grid 1 voltage (DC, absolute

value), V................................................................................ 150

Cathode-heater voltage (either polarity,

absolute value), V................................................................ 100

Cathode current, mA:

DC component ............................................................................... 1400

peak value .................................................... 4500

Dissipation, W:

anode ............................................................................. 1600

grid 2............................................................................... 20

grid 1 .............................................................................. 0.1

Operating frequency, MHz ................................................ 250

Minimum cathode heating time, s.................................... 180

Minimum warm up time, s.................................................. 300

Envelope temperature (at hottest point), °C....................... 200

You can order GU-91B from us