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RS50ATV plug

* Pictures are placed for illustration purpose only. Appearance of real component may differ

The RS series connectors are cylindrical low-frequency connectors, designed to work in electrical circuits of direct, alternate (up to 3 MHz) and pulse currents. The RS connectors are designed for indoor installation. The RS connectors consist of a hermetically sealed or non-sealed panel-mounted plug and a non-sealed panel-mounted or cable-mounted socket. The coupling between the RSGATV, RSGTV, RSATV, RSTV plugs with RSBATV, RSBTV sockets is threaded. The coupling between the RSGBATV, RSGBTV, RSBATV, RSBTV plugs with RSBATV and RSBTV sockets is cut-in. The polarization of the shells is single-key. The RS connectors are made without a casing or with a metal or plastic casing. Contact plating: RSGATV, RSGBATV, RSBATV, RSATV - gold; RSGTV, RSGBTV, RSBTV, RSTV - silver.

Structure of the symbol:

(i.e. RSG32TV plug ) - plugs and sockets have the same name, so it is nesessarily to indicate the type.

RS - type of connector;

G - sealed type ( only for plugs, sockets are always not sealed )

32 - number of contacts;

B - type of joint of the plug with a socket: (B – cut-in, no letter - threaded;)

A - contact coating: (A-gold, no letter - silver; )

TV – all-climatic performance

You can order RS50ATV plug from us