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Cable plug. Type of joint- threaded. The brand of the cable to be connected is RK50-7-22. Specifications - BP0.364.007TU. CP-50-811FV is designed for operation in radio frequency circuits.

Operating voltage under normal conditions is 500 V

Junctions number - 500

Contact resistance: pin - socket and housing - housing - 0.01 Ohm

Operating temperature ranges:

- connectors with PTFE insulation - from -60 to +155 ° С

- connectors with polyethylene insulation - from -60 to +85 ° С

Minimum shelf life - 15 years

Structure of the symbol:


SR - radio frequency connector;

50 - value of the wave resistance, Ohm;

811 - development serial number;

F or P - insulating material - PETFor polyethylene;

V - all-climatic execution according to GOST В 20.39.404-81.

You can order SR50-811FV from us