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RES-34 RF4.524.370.26.01

Switching devices

Relays RES-34 RS4.524.370-26.01 hermetic double position monostable with one switching contact, supplied by direct current, designed for commutation of electric circuits of direct and alternate current.

Technical characteristics of relays RES-34.
Winding supply current- constant.
Isolation resistance between current conducting elements, current conducting elements and case, Mom, minimum:
- in normal climatic conditions - 200
- at maximum temperature - 20
- in conditions of high humidity: between contacts, between contacts and case, between winding and case, between winding and contacts - 10
Relay weight:

- RS4.524.370-00 - RS4.524.370-10 maximum 11,5 g,
- RS4.524.370-21 - RS4.524.370-34 maximum 10 g.

Technical characteristics of relays RES-34:

Technical characteristics


Isolation resistance between current conducting circuits, current conducting circuits and case, MOm:
- in normal climatic conditions:
- in conditions of high humidity:
- at maximum temperature:


Electric strength of isolation in normal climatic conditions between current conducting elements, current conducting elements and case, V:


Vibrational loads:
- frequency range, Hz:
- acceleration, m/s2 (g):

120 (12)

Linear acceleration, m/s2:

до 800

Mechanical impact, single action with acceleration, m/s2 (impacts):

3000 (9)

Mechanical impact, repeated operation with acceleration, m/s2 (impacts):

1000 (4000)

Relative humidity at temperature +35°C:

до 98%

Atmospheric pressure, Pa:


Environment operating temperature, °C:

from-60 to+100

Relay weight, g:


Minimum operation time, years:


You can order RES-34 RF4.524.370.26.01 from us