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RES-9 RS4.529.029.0301

Electromagnet water- and dustproof two-step monostable relay of direct current with two switching contacts designed for commutation of electric circuits of direct and alternate current with frequency 50…1100 Hz.
Relay can be used in conditions of relative humidity up to 98% and temperature +35ºС, atmospheric pressure from 0,6 up to 104 kPa.
Relay is designed according to technical conditions RS0.452.045 TY.

Technical characteristics of relay RES-9 RS4.529.029-03.01:
• Operating voltage, V ...... 6 ±1;
• Winding resistance, Ohm...... 30 ±3;
• Seal-in current, mА...... 108;
• Drop-out current, mА...... 18;
• Contacts resistance, Ohm ...... 0,6;
• Isolation resistance between current-conducting elements, current-conducting elements and casing:
- in normal climatic conditions minimum ...... 200 MOhm;
- in conditions of high humidity minimum ...... 10 MOhm;
- at maximum temperature minimum ...... 20 MOhm;
• Electric strength of isolation in normal climatic conditions between current-conducting elements, current-conducting elements and casing ...... 500 V;
• Seal-in time limit ...... 11 ms;
• Drop-out time limit ...... 7 ms;
• Relay weight ...... 20 g.

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