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RES6 RF0.452.104-01

The RES6 is a two-position monostable relay with one or two switching contacts intended for commutation of direct and alternate current circuits with frequency 50 ... 1000 Hz.

Terms of Use

Ambient temperature from -60 to + 85 ° C.

Relative humidity up to 98% at temperature of + 25 ° C.

Atmospheric pressure from 0.6 to 104 kPa.

Isolation resistance between current-carrying elements and the casing, MOhm, not less than

*in normal climatic conditions – 200

*in high humidity conditions – 10

* at the maximum temperature – 20

Electrical strength of insulation at normal climatic conditions between current- carrying elements and the casing, V – 500

Time, ms, not more than

Switch-ON – 20

Switch-OFF – 8

Winding resistance, Ohm – 270-330

Switch-ON current – 50mA

Switch-OFF current – 10mA

Operating current – 63-65mA

Weight, maximum g – 34

Environment operating temperature, °C: -60 to + 85 ° С.

Increased relative humidity up to 98% at a temperature of + 25 ° C.

Vibrational loads in the frequency range:

- from 5 to 50 Hz - with an acceleration of not more than 60 m / s2;

- from 50 to 400 Hz - not more than 100 m / s2;

- from 400 to 1000 Hz - not more than 60 m / s2;

- from 1000 to 1500 Hz - not more than 100 m / s2.

Single mechanical impact with acceleration

- not more than 1500 m / s2 - 9

Multiple mechanical impact with acceleration

- not more than 500 m / s2 - 1000

- with an acceleration not more than 250 m / s2 - 4000

Shock stability - with an acceleration of not more than 50 m / s2.

Multiple linear accelerations are not more than 250 m / s2.

Reliability requirements for RES-6 relays.

Minimum shelf life

- when stored in a heated storage environment, as well as installed in a protected equipment or in a set of spare parts - 12 years;

- when stored in unheated storage environment, in the manufacturer's packaging or installed in equipment in an unprotected facility - 2 years;

- when stored under a canopy, in the manufacturer's packaging and mounted in equipment in an unprotected facility - 1 year;

- when stored on an open platform, mounted in equipment in an unprotected facility - 1 year.

You can order RES6 RF0.452.104-01 from us