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Toggle switches TP1-2 are designed for commutation of electric circuits of direct and alternate current.

Operational conditions of TP1-2:
- Environment temperature from -60 to +70° С.
- Relative humidity up to 98% at temperature up to +35° С.
- Atmospheric pressure from 2 to 104 kPa.

Technical characteristics:
Weight, g, maximum ...... 26
Contact resistance, Оhm, maximum ...... 0,02
Electric strength of isolation, Veff ...... 1100
Isolation resistance, MOhm, minimum ...... 1000
Environment low temperature, °С...... -60
High relative humidity, %
- at 25°С...... 98
- at 35°С...... 98
Warranty period, h ...... 5000
Commutation cycles ...... 2500-5000

You can order TP1-2 from us