Low current, electromagnet hermetic relay REN-34 HP4.500.000-01 are designed for commutation of electric circuits of direct and alternate current.
Basic technical and operating characteristics of REN-34 HP4.500.000-01
Contact circuit resistance at supply stage, Ohm ...... 0,1
Action time, ms, maximum ...... 15
Releasing time, ms, minimum...... 8
Environment operating temperature, °С...... от–60 до+100
Weight, g ...... 60
You can order REN-34 HP4.500.000.01 from us
Other products in Switching devices

REN-34B HP4.500.000.01

REN-35 0001

REN32 RF4.519.021-0301

RES-10 RS4.524.300

RES-10 RS4.524.302