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UHF transistors are silicon epitaxial-planar generator transistors with the n-p-n structure.

Designed for use in power amplifiers, frequency multipliers, and autogenerators in the UHF frequency range of 0.7...2.4 GHz in a common base scheme.

They are produced in a metal-ceramic stripeline package and are marked with a digital-alphabetical and color code on the transistor case.

Transistor annotation breakdown:
- 2T919A - letter "A" and green dot,
- 2T919B - letter "B" and black dot,
- 2T919V - letter "V" and white dot.

mass of the transistor not more than 2.0 g.

Type of casing: KT-20.

Warranty storage period of the transistors is 25 years from the date of inspection, in case of product retesting - from the retest date.

Guaranteed lifetime:
- 25000 hours - in the modes allowed by the technical conditions;
- 40000 hours - in the light load mode.

The guaranteed lifetime is calculated within the warranty storage period.

Main technical specifications:

· Transistor structure: n-p-n;

· Рc h max - continuous dissipated power of the collector with a heatsink: 5 W;

· flim - frequency limit of the static current gain of the transistor in common-emitter circuit: more than 1350 MHz;

· Ucbrev max - maximum collector-base voltage at a specified collector reverse current and open emitter circuit: 45 V;

· Uebo max - maximum emitter-base voltage at a specified emitter reverse current and open collector circuit: 3.5 V;

· Ic max - maximum permissible DC current of the collector: 0.35 А;

· Ic imp max - maximum permissible impulse current of the collector: 0.7 А;

· Icbrev - reverse collector current - current across the collector junction at a specified reverse collector-base voltage and open emitter output: not more than 5 mA (45 V);

· Сc - collector junction capacitance: not more than 6.5 pF;

· Рout - power output of the transistor: not lower than 1.6 W at frequency 2 GHz;

· tc - time constant of the feedback loop at high frequency: not more than 2.2 ps.

You can order 2T919B from us