Microswitches MP11 are designed for commutation of electric circuits of direct and alternate current and are used as end switches.
Operation conditions:
- Environment temperature from -60 up to +125° С.
- Relative humidity up to 98% at temperature up to +35° С.
- Atmospheric pressure from 0,6 up to 104 kPa.
Technical characteristics of microswitch MP11:
Weight, g, maximum ...... 2,7
Contact resistance, Ohm ...... maximum 0,05
Isolation electric strength, V ...... 1100
Isolation resistance, MOhm...... minimum 1000
Movable contacts action time, s, maximum
- 0,02
Direct action time force, Н...... minimum 0,39
Driving element stroke, mm
- 0,15-0,6
- additional...... minimum 0,2
High environment operating temperature, °С...... 125
Low environment operating temperature, °С...... -60
Warranty service hours, h
- 10000
Operating cycles quantity...... maximum 100000
Warranty period from manufactured date, years
- 15