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Silicone Mesaplanar Impulse Transistor with n-p-n structure.
Designed for impulse and switching devices.
Metal package with glass insulators and rigid terminals.
Weight 20 g
Package type: КТ-9.

Main technical characteristics:
• Structure: n-p-n;
• Рcmax – Total heatsink collector dissipation: 50mW;
• fc – Cutoff frequency of a common-emitter amplifier: min 3MHz;
• Ucermax – Maximum collector-emitter voltage for given collector current and given resistance in the base-emitte rcircuit: 400 V (0,1 kΩ);
• Uebomax – Maximum emitter-base voltage fo rgiven emitter reverse current and open collector circuit: 7V;
• Icmax – Maximum direct current rating of a collector: 8A;

• Icp max –Maximum pulse current of a collector: 12 A;
• Icer –Collector-emitter cutoff current for given collector-emitter reverse voltage and base-emitter circuit resistance: max 5mA (700V);
• h21e – Static value of the forward current transfer ratio for common-emitter amplifier: min 4;
• Сiob– Collector-base capacitance: max0,3pF;

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